David Curt Morris
大卫· 柯特· 莫里斯

Native to Portland, Oregon, educated at Reed College and M.I.T., David Curt Morris has made his home in New York City since 1985. From 1972 to 1980, Moris has worked as architectural Designer in famous design companies in NYC, Algiers, Algeria and Chicago, IL. His teaching experiences are from 1984 to 1995, University of Illinois (Department of Art and Architecture, in Chicago IL), New York University(Art Department in NY), Pratt University (Department of Computer Graphics, NY city), School of Visual Arts, (Graduate Computer Art Department, NY city).

With a background in architecture and computer graphics and an interest in combining motion and water in sculpture, he has explored these relationships for some time. Morris has exhibited work nationally
and internationally, and has done site-specific commissions in many major cities. The piece he did for OMSI in 1995 won an Oregon Society of Engineering Award for Excellence. And his entry to the SAN FRANCISCO-OAKLAND BAY BRIDGE REPLACEMENT Competition in 2000 was a finalist, and was later awarded a US Patent.

Major works:
2009 - ‘Grounded Knot’: Sculpture, Miami, FL
2001 - ‘Rainmaker’ Kinetic Water Sculpture and Park, Frances
Stevens Park: Palm Springs, CA
1995 - ‘Birds on a Wire’: Kinetic Water Sculpture, OMSI,
Portland OR
1997 -‘Columbia River Crystal’: Sculpture, Crown Plaza
Properties, Portland OR
1992 -‘Peacock’: Water Sculpture: Santa. Barbara, CA
1982 - ‘Spiral Rain Form’: Sculpture, Chicago, IL (Percent for Art)

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I am fascinated by flows: flows of water over various materials – steel, stone, concrete - and the flow of numbers: movements of many things that produce shapes and forms as though determined by the emotions that weave through our lives.

From this approach have come kinetic works that use water to create shapes or choreographed movements, as well as static works – that might appear to be the result of tectonic forces. These latter forms have implicit rather than actual movement.

All things are made up of small parts, which in aggregate form the whole. From close up, many discrete elements appear to stand alone, but from a distance are seen to form a whole: from the many, one.

大卫·柯特·莫里斯 (David Curt Morris), 生于美国俄勒冈州的波特兰市, 毕业于俄勒冈州波特兰市里德学院以及美国 麻省理工学院, 自1985年起居住于纽约。自1972至1980年间, 他曾在纽约市, 阿尔及利亚州阿尔及尔市, 伊利诺伊州芝 加哥市等著名建筑设计所担任景观设计师。1985至1995年间, 他曾执教于纽约州纽约大学艺术系, 伊利诺伊州伊利诺伊 大学艺术建筑系, 纽约州纽约普莱特大学计算机图形系, 以及纽约州纽约艺术视觉学校研究生计算机艺术系。
从创作本身来说, 莫里斯对雕塑中加入运动与流水元素的创作方式十分感兴趣。由于在建筑和平面设计方面拥有丰富经 验, 莫里斯曾多次参加国内国际大型艺术展览, 并曾多次负责国内国际的景观设计项目, 他的作品也频频获奖, 例如 1996年“线上鸟”获得俄勒冈州机械工程师学会卓越奖;2000年, 他参加美国旧金山奥克兰海湾大桥重建设计竞赛, 获 决赛奖, 作品获美国专利。

2001年 - “造雨者” 动态水雕, 位于加州棕榈泉弗朗西斯·史蒂文斯公园
2009年 - “锁地结”雕塑, 佛罗里达州迈阿密迈
1995年 - “线上鸟” 动态水雕, 位于俄勒冈州波特兰市俄勒冈科学工业博物馆
1997年 - “哥伦比亚河水晶”雕塑, 俄勒冈州波特兰市皇冠广场
1992年 - “孔雀”:水雕艺术, 位于加利福尼亚圣巴巴拉市
1982年 - “雨帘螺旋”:雕塑, 位于伊利诺伊州芝加哥市 (“百分比艺术计划”)


一切形式的动态流动都让我着迷, 我钟情于水流经过不同材质的形态, 比如钢筋、水泥或是石头, 我也迷恋数字形成的 流动。许多事物的运动形成了新的造型和形式, 这些独特的造型好似源自我们生活中流淌着的各种情感。
以此为灵感, 诞生了我的静态雕塑以及动态雕塑, 其中包括用水创造出的单个造型雕塑, 以及连贯动态组合作品。这些 作品都是关乎构造力学的, 它们所呈现的形式都远比运动本身更富于内在联系。
所有的事物都是由众多微小部分组成的。近观之, 很多独立的元素显得形单影支;隔开一段距离远观之,却从许多单个 的个体形成了一个整体。

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