Greg Lock

Greg Lock, born on 15th April 1969, The Fens, England. In 1991 he was awarded a B.A. (hons) in Fine Art (Sculpture) from Bretton Hall College of the University of Leeds, England. In 1995, he obtained a M.F.A. in Sculpture from Parsons School of Design, New York City and in 1998 he received his M.A. in Creative Technology, from University of Salford, England.

Greg Lock explores possibilities in virtual space that could not be considered in real space, culminating in sculptural works that feel dislocated from our understood reality. Utilizing traditional and digital sculptural methods, Lock creates three-dimensional (3D) forms that possess a palpable physical presence yet are simultaneously improbable.

Lock’s process begins by investigating a simple form, such as a tree or a person, in its original mode. The form is then pixelated and re-presented as a digital object. These virtual versions of sculptural forms, which reside in a virtual reality, simulate physicality and have perceived spatial presence even though at this point they do not actually exist. Lock translates these digital versions into unique sculptural forms.

From a distance, his outdoor sculptures appear as familiar aspects of the environment but when approached pixilated surfaces become apparent. The precise moment that the sculpture is perceived as an imposter in real space is crucial to the work’s success; it addresses our willingness to believe what we ‘see’ and brings into question how much we really comprehend our everyday world.

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“One cannot deny the presence of the world around us, yet it is readily ignored. I re-present known objects and investigate the material structure of that which I do not yet know in order to extend my understanding of physicality. In the virtual environment created by computer software, the confines of the known Newtonian landscape can be broken and a deeper understanding of the physical world may be explored.”

1969年4月15日, 格雷格·洛克 (Greg Lock) 出生于英国。1991年, 他获得利兹大学布雷顿霍尔学院(Bretton Hall College of the University of Leeds) 雕塑专业荣誉学士学位, 1995年获得美国纽约市帕森设计学院 (Parsons School of Design) 雕塑专业的艺术硕士学士, 并在1998年在英国的萨尔福大学(University of Salford) 获得“创新科技”硕士学位。

格雷格·洛克不断在虚拟空间中发掘那些在现实空间中无法实现的可能性, 将积累的知识应用于雕塑作品中, 他的作品 独特、展现出与常人理解的现实的脱离感。通过使用传统以及数码雕刻方法, 洛克的3D雕塑作品兼具可触的真实感和 超现实的虚无感。

洛克创作过程始于对一个简单的形式的研究, 比如一棵树、一个人的原始形态。把这个本源的形式像素化, 并当做一个 数字化的对象来重新表现出来。这些电脑中的视觉雕塑形式, 模仿实物形态从而产生空间感, 尽管此刻它尚不存在。洛 克则把这些数字化的作品都用数码雕塑形式展现出来。

远距离的观看, 他的户外雕塑展现出与户外景象相似的特征, 但是当像素化之后, 表面变成了透明的。当雕塑被视作真 实空间里的一个虚假的存在, 这一雕塑才真的完成。这一精确瞬间雕塑在真实空间所展现的意义对作品的成功至关重 要, 它使我们发现自己对所谓的“眼见为实”是如此的一厢情愿, 引人陷入思考:究竟对身边的世界, 我们究竟了解多 少。


“没有人能够否认我们身边世界的存在, 但人们却经常忽视它。通过重塑已知物体、探索未知的材料和形状, 我试图 增加自己对物质和形体的了解。但是, 在计算机软件创建的虚拟环境里, 我们可以任意打破牛顿定律, 从而找到一个 更深层的客观世界。”

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